International Congress in Montellier - September 2016 - more than 400 people "The 19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Enitaxy"

Our achievements
Congresses, Symposiums
From 4 to 9 September 2016, organization of an international nanotechnology congress bringing together more than 400 people from all over the worldA SUCCESSFUL CONGRESS WITH PASSIONATE AND HAPPY PARTICIPANTS!
6 days of congress on the subject of the MBE technique (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) at the Corum of Montpellier
Our clients trust us to :
- Management of participants
- Follow and management of 24 sponsors and exhibitors
- Management of restauration during 1 week and pay attention to specialized nutrition.
- Management of gala diner in amazing place with view on Camargue and sea.
- Magic place where saw the sunset with glass of champagne and small delicacy
- Jazz ambiance and wine animations
- The evening continues under the large tent with delicious seated meal muscial ambiance.
- Award ceremony at the end of this beautiful event.
- Transport gestion of 400 guests at the beginning and at the end. We also organised acccomodation of our guests.
- Programm social organisation on wednesday with 4 great tour : Guide visit of Montpllier, Guide visit of Pont du Gard and Nîmes, degustation and wine animation in beatiful wine place, visit and degustation of wine in a famous castle in Monptellier.
- VIP management : Round trip ticket, taxi transfer, accomodation in 4 stars hotel.
- Interesting exchange with participants, touristic renseignements, sell dinner ticket of Gala or excursions.
In brief : All of our participants were going back with smile, our clients are happy and our agency too. We are ready to do it again !
Testimony :
Thank you back, was really a very magnificient conference at a magnificient place
Thanks you for an excellent conference, you guys dis a great job
Thank you very much for the wonderful 19th International conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Everyone enjoyed the nice surroundings, nice weather, nice food, and exciting technical programs. Thank you to Laure ESCARMENT and Isabelle SAUNIER who helped the atendees with everyday logisitics.
It was my pleasure to meet you. The conference was really well organized in all of its aspects. Thank you very much for your effort, you've done a great job!